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Fat BurnersInnovaPharm

InnovaPharm EnduraLean Review: Massive Proprietary Blend May Be Effective?

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InnovaPharm EnduraLean













  • Taste
  • Mixability
  • Effectiveness


  • Huge Proprietary Blend

Overview of InnovaPharm EnduraLean

InnovaPharm is the maker of a lot of unique products that work well, including NovaPump. They also make EnduraLean. EnduraLean is a fat burner that uses a masses proprietary blend we are not fans of, but the product itself seems to work fairly decent. We have a hard time assessing if it is truly dosed where it needs to be, but our experience with the product makes us enjoy it, especially since it is 84-servings per unit.

Why You Should Trust Our Reviews

    Our review panel is made up of individuals with many years of experience in the sports nutrition industry, dating back to the early 2000’s. Their tenure gives them knowledge on brands, supplements, ingredients, dosages and more.
    Unlike the majority of “review” sites on the internet, Fitness Informant reviews every supplement on a full-container basis. What does this mean? It means that a review is not written or recorded until the last serving of that product has been finished. We’ve all had products that were great for the first couple of days, but then lost their effectiveness shortly after. We want to ensure you are getting a full review based on a full product.
    We breakdown each ingredient in our reviews to educate you on exactly what the ingredients do, and what is the proper dosage of each ingredient to effectively do what they are intended to do.
    Our number #1 priority is to inform you proper supplement selection through honest reviews. The majority of “review” sites on the internet will push you to buy a certain product based on the commissions they received. Not us. We want you to purchase the highest quality supplements at the best value. We put your health and wellness first. To achieve your goals we want you to use only the best supplements that you can afford. We do this by being honest.

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Testing Results and Ratings

We reviewed InnovaPharm EnduraLean on five categories. We first start by looking at it’s ingredient profile. This portion of the review looks at the different ingredients used in the fat burner supplement, what their intention is and how effectively dosed are each ingredient.

We then look at effectiveness. An effective fat burner will use high quality, proven ingredients, at clinically backed dosages.  This is generally an extension of the profile section. The higher quality ingredients used at proper dosages, the more effective that fat  burner will be in terms of appetite suppression and fat loss.

Then we move into the taste of the different flavors we’ve tried. We grade each flavor separately and average the scores for their overall taste rating. We were able to test out the following flavors: Blue Breeze Lemon Zinger.

Mixability refers to how well the powder mixes in 6-8oz of water. We use the shaker bottle test. This would be your typical Blender Bottle with the spiral chrome ball.

Finally, we talk about value. Value is the combination of profile, effectiveness, taste and mixability in relation to cost. Another part of value are the competitors and other versions of fat burners on the market.

Ingredients Profile


EnduraLean Label

Enduralean from InnovaPharm is packed with some quality energy ingredients that will help give you strong energy when you are lacking motivation as you fall into a deeper caloric deficit, as well as having a substantial impact on hunger. We also get several ingredients that can assist with maintaining as much lean muscle mass as possible while you continue to drop bodyfat and get leaner.

We have 1 large prop blend that comes in at a total of 1958mg. InnovaPharm has broken the ingredients up into 2 different categories: “Mind-Muscle Performance Blend” and “Target Fat Melting Matrix”. We are not given any known dosages of ingredients on this label. So, we are going to speculate about their possible dosages according to their position on the label. Let’s jump right into this formula.

We will start with the Mind-Muscle Performance Blend. InnovaPharm leads off with Choline Bitartrate which is responsible for increasing mental energy, focus and concentration. We like to see this product dosed above 500mg, and it is reasonable to assume that we are getting that dose here. Next, we find L-Tyrosine, known to enhance focus when taken in dosages around 1000mg. We are not getting that dose with 1 scoop, but with 2 scoops we should be right in that ballpark range. HICA is used next and is thought to possibly have some performance enhancement, including growth of lean tissue, muscle recovery and even endurance benefits. There has only been one human study on this experiment and it was conducted at a dose of 1500mg. We are likely getting around 400mg here with 1 scoop.

Ashwagandha is used next and we estimated that we are getting between 200-250mg with a 1 scoop serving. This ingredient is known for providing anti-stress benefits and lowering cortisol levels. It has also been associated with improved testicular function in males. We like to see dosages between 300-600mg, and with 2 scoops you will be in business. Terminalia Arjuna is a bark extract that is thought to increase exercise capacity and cardiovascular function. These studies were performed at 500mg dosages, and we have estimated that we are only getting 100mg per scoop here. The final ingredient in the Mind-Muscle blend is Celastrus Paniculatus. This ingredient has been shown to possibly reduce anxiety at very high doses (300-1000mg/kg of bodyweight). We are not getting anywhere near that studied dose here, so I am not sure why it is included.

Let’s get into the Target Fat Melting Matrix next. We start off with Caffeine Anhydrous, which of course increases energy and alertness. We estimate that we are getting around 100mg per scoop here. Next, we have 1,5-DMHA, which is a very powerful stimulant. This ingredient is responsible for much of the potency when it comes to the energy and appetite suppressing effects of this product. There is no recommended dose of DMHA, but we are probably getting around 75mg per scoop here. Up next is Afralean (Grains of Paradise), which is an ingredient that has been shown to increase metabolic rate. Only one human study has been performed and it used 10mg, and we are likely getting more than that here.

Enduralean BreakdownFinishing off this blend we have N-Coumaroyldopamine which is thought to aid in burning fat and help maintain lean muscle during a deficit. This ingredient is not recommended to exceed a dosage of 30mg in a day, and we are likely getting somewhere around 10mg per scoop here. Next, we have Rauwolscine which has similar effects to Yohimbine in its ability to increase metabolization of fat. We like to see this ingredient dosed between 2-4mg, and we can assume that InnovaPharm could possibly be giving us a full 2mg per scoop here. The final ingredient on this label is Rhizoma Coptidis. This ingredient supposedly has some cardiovascular benefits to it, but the recommended dose has not been established.

The ingredient profile itself is not bad, however I do see one glaring issue with this product. Here at Fitness Informant we do not discriminate against products JUST because that contain prop blends. We have rated several products quite well that contain prop blends. However, this product does not even give the dosage of caffeine you are consuming with one scoop. I find that to be a very large issue. As a consumer, I want to know the amount of caffeine I am consuming with your product. Prop blends can already add some skepticism to the profile of a product, but when you don’t even give the consumer the amount of caffeine they are consuming in 1 scoop, it definitely raises some red flags.

Another useful addition to this product could be more thermogenic like ingredients. While we do have Caffeine and Rauwolscine, do not feel my body “heat up” when I am doing cardio like I do with several other fat burning powders on the market. Studies have shown that thermogenesis increases the metabolization of fat when used daily during exercise. I feel that the inclusion of ingredients such as Cayenne Pepper Extract and/or Bitter Orange extract would make this a much stronger fat oxidizing profile.



Enduralean by InnovaPharm is not a bad choice as an overall aid in burning fat. This product has the stimulants to prevent you from dragging while deep in a cut, and also has a pretty effective appetite suppressing effect. It was definitely a useful tool that really helped curve appetite and keep me productive during my deficit. However, it definitely lacks the thermogenic effect that I believe is a necessary part of a fat burning supplement.

You can expect energy production to be very high while using this product. There are several quality ingredients that will give you an almost immediate feeling of energy. There is usually a downside to sudden bursts of energy like this, and that is the crash that comes after. Sometimes we can include another longer acting stimulant or nootropic that can ward off this crash but we don’t see that here.

You will have an improved sense of focus too. We get a few focus enhancing ingredients that help control the burst of energy you are receiving from the Caffeine and the DMHA. It is a good thing that they have added this focus aspect. Without it, the energy could possibly put you over the edge. This product can be very strong when used as 2 scoops, so assess your tolerance!

The most noticeable aspect of this fat burner to me was the appetite suppressing effect. Typically, you see the energy aspect and appetite suppressing aspect complement one another. This is because many stimulants (such as Caffeine and DMHA) double as appetite suppressants. This product is no joke when it comes to warding off hunger. I would sometimes find myself with no desire to eat after doing my fasted morning cardio using this product. The change in appetite was incredibly noticeable.

As a whole, this product doesn’t come short of its promises. It served as a very useful tool during my morning cardio sessions, and gave me the alertness and mental focus I needed. The only problem I faced with this product was the crash about 2 hours after consumption.

It is important to realize that no supplement will “melt” fat off of your body like some people think they can. Supplements only serve as useful additions that add to and improve your ability to perform the actions that actually do oxidize your body fat (cardiovascular exercise, dieting, etc.)


Blue Breeze Lemon Zinger: (8.5/10)

I was a big fan of this flavor. It reminded me of the blue snow cones I used to get from the baseball field concession stand with my dad. If InnovaPharm would have decided to name this flavor “blue snow cone” they would have hit it right on the button. I couldn’t really taste any of the lemon flavor. It seemed like more of a blue raspberry flavor to me. Good work here.



Enduralean mixes pretty well in the 8oz of water InnovaPharm recommends. Each scoop is only 3g total, so it is expected to mix without issue. I used 8oz with 1 scoop, and I would use their recommended 12oz when I used 2 scoops. Both amounts mixed equally well in my experience. Very little grit and particles were noticeable when I drank the liquid. You can check out the video above to see more.



This product retails for $55 on InnovaPharm’s website. That may seem like a steep price, but you are getting an 84 serving tub. That comes in at around $0.65 per serving if you use 1 scoop. If you 2 scoop the entire tub, it still gives you 42 servings at $1.30 per serving. Enduralean has lots of potential and if the label was fully transparent, it would make the product even more valuable.

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InnovaPharm EnduraLean













  • Taste
  • Mixability
  • Effectiveness


  • Huge Proprietary Blend
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